What to do when Postgres suddenly complains about file permissions
Last update: 2025-01-26 15:37:17
My harbor instance died two weeks ago, while I was sick and could not spend the effort to fix it. The error message complained about file permissions, which made me think something went really wrong.
read more..Commitment. Or, why Nemik and Yoda agree on trying
Last update: 2024-10-03 16:31:33
My all time favorite quote in Star Wars is from Andor S01 E12. It ends on with "Remember this. Try." This could be a quip at the popular Yoda quote "Do or do not. There is no try". I say it's not.
read more..Automated Kubernetes PV backups using Velero and Tailscale
Last update: 2023-05-01 20:46:12
The question of how I should do backups on my Kubernetes cluster is one I've been thinking about for too long. After running it for almost two years now, I have finally figured out how I want to do it
read more..Is BlueSky a threat to the Fediverse?
Last update: 2023-05-01 10:24:58
BlueSky is a federated social network that started as a project within Twitter. They just launched a private beta and people are saying that this'll mark the end of the Fediverse. I don't think so.
read more..My personal look back on KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2023
Last update: 2023-04-30 14:16:26
This year I was able to attend KubeCon for the first time, which was really nice. Since this blog is mostly a conference diary at this point, I thought I'd write a bit about my experience there.
read more..A look back at Hacking in Parallel

Last update: 2022-12-31 19:43:51
Instead of a Chaos Communication Congress, there were multiple decentralised events this year. Hacking in Parallel was the one I attended and it was a lot of fun. Here's a quick look back on it.
read more..We need to get rid of mandatory work hours
Last update: 2022-08-21 17:22:00
Working to complete hours, rather than a pensum of tasks is both demoralising and unproductive. I say we should get rid of the whole damn concept. At least for those for whom it does not work.
read more..A look back at GPN20
Last update: 2022-05-26 15:57:51
After 3 long years, the 20th Gulaschprogrammiernacht finally took place this may. I went there, held 3 talks and had an overall great time. After events like this, I like to write a small look back..
read more..A look back on rC3 nowhere
Last update: 2022-01-13 19:44:34
It's been two weeks since the conference ended and I wanted to share some of my thought and experiences, especially those concerning prerecording talks, which I did for the first time this year.
read more..Ingress-Nginx: Custom error pages that won't burn (chrome users') eyes out
Last update: 2021-09-22 19:52:03
It's really easy to add custom error messages to the Nginx Ingress Controller. Thanks to a neat little meta tag, it is also possible to respect OS color scheme settings without touching any styles at all. In this post I want to show you how to quickly accomplish both.
read more..Migrating my personal infrastructure to Kubernetes
Last update: 2021-07-31 15:32:00
Over the last month I have been working on migrating my personal infrastructure into a new self hosted Kubernetes cluster. You may ask yourself why and how I did that. If so, this is the blog post you probably want to read.
read more..This blog finally has an RSS feed (and other updates)
Last update: 2021-04-18 16:39:27
I finally got around to adding an RSS feed to my blog -something I had been procrastinating for over a year which ended up taking nearly no time at all to do. To "celebrate" this, I decided to write a little post, explaining what I've been up to in the last few time units.
read more..Choosing a work laptop in 2021
Last update: 2021-11-15 18:19:04
I recently started my first job where I didn't get a hand-me-down work machine that more "valuable" employees had stopped using because it had gotten too slow, and instead was allowed to freely choose my own computer, within a generous budget. This proved to be a bit harder than I had anticipated but I ended up finding a machine that I really like.
read more..CLT 2021 Talk Slides
Last update: 2021-07-30 19:40:10
Today I spoke about accessibility at the "Chemnitzer Linux Tage." The talk is a German adaptation of the one I held at rC3.
read more..Emoji domains - A cautionary tale
Last update: 2021-03-19 22:03:28
Since I was unemployed earlier this year, I had time to polish up my portfolio and build some smaller new projects to hopefully help me in finding a good job. One such small project was not quite thought through before I started. I decided that since emoji are "allowed" in URLs and emoji 13 added a transgender pride flag, I wanted a website with that emoji in its url. It did not go quite as planned..
read more..Building (less in-) accessible web sites - rC3 talk slides
Last update: 2021-07-30 19:43:48
On the first day of rC3 I held a talk on how to get started with accessible web development. In this post I want to talk a bit more about it, link some "further reading" and publish my slides.
read more..A not quite creepypasta
Last update: 2020-11-13 18:38:11
Today is Friday the 13th in a year that for many is spooky enough as is. That is why I decided to write a little scary story based on **real life events**
read more..Accessibility is not a one-off project
Last update: 2020-10-04 13:59:15
When discussing weather or not to spend time and effort into making products accessible, it's common for management to say that accessibility is not the priority right now and that it's going to be patched in at a later time. However, I believe that even a minimum viable product has to be accessible and that anything that isn't is not viable. -Especially considering that this later time at which accessibility is patched in likely will never come because other things have a higher priority. In this post I want to show my view on how to develop software that can be used by as many people as possible.
read more..tech web design frontend accessibility opinion work minimal viable products SEO
Icon fonts must die.
Last update: 2020-10-03 23:15:11
Other people have written about this as well, but I thought I might show my perspective on why icon fonts shouldn't have been used 5 years ago and certainly should not be used today.
read more..How to try out the fediverse and actually keep using it
Last update: 2022-05-05 21:08:49
Every couple of months there's a wave of sign ups on the fediverse, caused by twitter being.. twitter. Most people don't actually stay on fedi because it is, in fact, not twitter. In this post I'm trying to share my perspective as someone who abandoned twitter for good and try to give a few hints on how to actually stay.
read more..Behind this blogs simplistic design
Last update: 2022-09-30 09:01:19
I know, this blog is nothing special, design wise (otherwise as well but that might change) but I wanted to write a short post talking about why I designed it this way. The "idea" for this came to me when I randomly came across someone else's blog that looked pretty much exactly the same.
read more..My first congress and blogpost! Thoughts on 36c6
Last update: 2021-08-07 20:52:42
This year I was finally able to attend the chaos communication congress for the first time in my life. While there, I wrote a blogging software - the one you're looking at right now. Because a blog without any posts looks.. let's say not too great, here's a little "diary" of my experiences at 36c3.
read more..